Illustration Styles:
Male Pelvis
The same illustration can have range of styles from vector to high-detail raster. This showcase was created for a client information document on the appropriate use and timescope of differing illustration styles.
3D Model: Liver Lobule
A complex 3D model of the structure of cells found in the liver, displayed in a turntable animation.
3D Animation: Showreel Animation In Progress
Work in progress process and production clips for my 3D Animation Showreel.
3D Models: On Sketchfab
3D Motion Graphics: Idents
Personal research and development pieces in node-based workflows and motion graphics.
3D Animation: Pupillary Light Reflex
Produced during a 3-Month Internship with the University of Dundee, this 3D animation on the Pupillary light reflex, visualises the pathway of nerve impulses which cause both eyes to contract in response to light stimuli in a single eye.
2D Illustrations & Learning Design: Human Experience Design
Patient Information Booklet: Dupuytrens Disease
Varying Artworks
Get in Touch:
Emma-Rose Walker